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piauí jogos

Flora Thomson-DeVeaux

É escritora, tradutora, brasilianista e diretora de pesquisa na Rádio Novelo

histórias publicadas

Ilegítima defesa da honra

Ilegítima defesa da honra

Por que a Rádio Novelo decidiu produzir um podcast sobre o assassinato de Ângela Diniz

A gestação do menino diabo
questões vernaculares

A gestação do menino diabo

Como traduzir Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas para o inglês com dicionários frágeis e bases de dados gigantescas

A note on the Calabouço
annals of slavery

A note on the Calabouço

The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas and slave prisons in 19th-century Rio de Janeiro

Nota sobre o calabouço
questões raciais I

Nota sobre o calabouço

Brás Cubas e os castigos aos escravos no Rio

in English


Growing up in the town that became a byword for hate

questões raciais


Como minha cidade natal se tornou o foco da disputa política nos Estados Unidos

“Ouviu a boa notícia? Eu e Dilma vamos nos casar!”
questões pós-impeachment

“Ouviu a boa notícia? Eu e Dilma vamos nos casar!”

O professor americano James Green fala sobre sua relação com a ex-presidente do país

O bóson é uma festa

O bóson é uma festa

De como uma estagiária acompanhou ao vivo, em Genebra, a descoberta da partícula procurada há 48 anos 

Chau, Carnaval
Questões Estrangeiras

Chau, Carnaval

Now that the last blocos have petered out, I guess we can all reset the Carnaval countdown clocks and accept that we’re midway through Lent. On the bus uptown on Ash Wednesday, I was looking for signs that some sort of air of responsibility might have descended on Rio once more. Would people be hanging their heads, squinting hungover and repentant against the sun? Would everyone still be glittery? But things looked disappointingly normal. A few more people than usual on the beach, maybe; there was still confetti in the cracks in the cobblestones despite the street sweepers’ best efforts; and I spotted one feathered hat stuck impressively high in a tree. Apart from that, business as usual. Some people on the beach, others jogging around the Lagoa, people wearing sundresses and shorts and tank tops or sweating in suits like they do any sun-drunk business day of the week.

The secret of carnaval
Questões Estrangeiras

The secret of carnaval

Keep your pants on, everyone, I went to blocos besides Carmelitas and did have plenty of fun. And I'm not just saying that. After having Carnaval'd for nearly a week, now, I feel myself qualified to make sweeping pronouncements about it. Aren't you excited? First things first. The recipe for a good bloco, in my opinion, is almost insultingly simple: good music and people who want to enjoy it.